monday 14th september 2015


New corporate image for the Novamont group

Novara-Milan, September 10th, 2015 – “Today we greet the world with a new corporate image, that reflects the DNA of our values, celebrates our evolution over the years into today’s Novamont, and demonstrates our desire to be promoters of change”, Novamont’s CEO Catia Bastioli declared at the presentation of the new visual identity for Novamont and Mater-Bi®, the family of products which has made Novamont the world’s leading company in the bioplastics and biochemicals sector. “We are now no longer a single company.
After significant investments, we have become a group of companies, a network of production and research sites, a sales network that stretches out across the globe and a major joint venture. We are now a group that has its roots firmly in the local areas but its head in the world. Our new corporate image confirms our drive towards continuous innovation, which has always been the driving force behind our development”.
Designed by Lorenzo Marini Group, the new corporate image is a blue-green ribbon which wraps around itself in an upward circular movement, representing the idea of a perpetual drive towards excellence in research, planet Earth and regeneration. A perfect synthesis of the systemic approach with which Novamont is revisiting the traditional production-consumption-disposal economic model from a different standpoint, that of circular economy and supply-chains, with undoubted advantages for the environment and for local areas.
Turned through 90°, the ribbon becomes the letter M, standing for Mater-Bi®, the family of products developed through the integration of chemistry, the environment and agriculture. The result of over 25 years of research and innovation and of around 1,000 patents, Mater-Bi® can provide solutions to specific environmental problems, that of organic waste for example, marking the present and the future of a truly sustainable development for both the environment and for society. Though different, the two symbols can transmute into each other, signifying the strength of the bond between the original development model that Novamont strives towards and the concreteness of demonstration, made possible by the case studies and the integrated supplychains pioneered by Mater-Bi® over the years.
Novamont research has spawned an international industrial reality with Italian roots, but also a platform for interdisciplinary innovation of great potential, which is able to interconnect different worlds and catalyse new initiatives that can be replicated in many other contexts.
“With our customary passion and our new brand identity, together with our partners and colleagues we are ready to face a global market that can no longer ignore the essential and central role of natural resources for mankind”, Catia Bastioli concluded.

The Novamont Group is the world leader in the development and production of materials and biochemicals through the integration of chemistry, the environment and agriculture. With 412 employees, the Group posted sales of €145 million in 2014 and made continuous investments in research and development activities (7.2% of its 2014 turnover) and has a portfolio of around 1,000 patents. The group has its headquarters in Novara, a production facility in Terni and research laboratories in Novara, Terni and Piana di Monte Verna (CE). The Novamont subsidiaries are based in Porto Torres (SS), Bottrighe (RO), Terni and Patrica (FR). It has commercial offices in Germany, France and the United States and operates through own distributors in Benelux, Scandinavia, Denmark, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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