EU research and innovation in our daily life: the FIRST2RUN project at the European Parliament

  friday 23rd november 2018


EU research and innovation in our daily life: the FIRST2RUN project at the European Parliament

On November 27th in Brussels the European Parliament and the European Commission will host the EU High-Level Conference on past and present results of EU-funded research and innovation.
The conference will be attended by the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas. The event will bring together MEPs, key public and private stakeholders and experts, in order to discuss how innovation has positive impacts on daily life, such as health, well-being, sustainable environment and safety.
In the session dedicated to sustainable environment, Luigi Capuzzi, Director of Novamont’s Research, will present FIRST2RUN, the first flagship project funded by BBI JU as part of Horizon 2020. The project aims to demonstrating the techno, economic and environmental sustainability at industrial scale of a first-of-kind value chain where low input and underutilized oil crops not in competition with food are exploited for the extraction of vegetable oils to be converted into bio-monomers as building blocks for high added value bioproducts, biolubricants, cosmetics and bioplastics.
Starting from the integration of the biorefinery with the agricultural value chain, FIRST2RUN aims to  ​​give life to a project that creates virtuous synergies with the local agricultural sector. This is done respecting the characteristics of the land and ecosystems, meanwhile creating important opportunities for growth and income integration for farmers and local community.